Interested in public scholarship but not sure where to start? Try out The Conversation!
Get started in public scholarship by pitching a story to The Conversation. Many of our leading public scholars have published in this independent nonprofit news source, which publishes informative articles written by academics and researchers for the general public. (PhD candidates can also write for The Conversation under the superivision of an academic.)
At the Program in Public Scholarship, we are available to help you:
- Brainstorm story ideas and formats
- Write and hone a pitch (which we can submit on your behalf)
- Navigate the writing and editing process, from pitch to publication!
Through a Creative Commons license, The Conversation's articles are republished in over 1,000 online outlets including the AP Wire, Yahoo! News, CNN, and Business Insider as well as smaller, more niche outlets; they are also republished in over 300 print newspapers around the U.S.
According to The Conversation, 86% of authors reported some kind of post-publication impact on their career, including being contacted by media for interviews, an increase in scholarly citations, and being able to use story metrics for funding or grant applications.