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The Sum of Us: Moving Beyond the Myth of Equity as a Zero-Sum Game
Please join the Center for Race, Ethnicity & Equity (CRE2), Washington University partners and the Center for Social Development for a lecture from 2024 Distinguished Visiting Scholar Heather McGhee. Heather is dedicated to the development of solutions to inequity in America. Over her career in public policy, Heather has crafted legislation, testified before Congress and helped shape presidential campaign platforms.
Workshop: Short-form writing for public audiences
Workshop: Podcasting for academics
Workshop: Writing for The Conversation
Workshop: Book proposals
A New Media in the French Editorial Landscape: Conversation with Didier Pourquery
Didier Pourquery, Director of The Conversation, France, will join us to discuss The Conversation and how it empowers individuals to engage with complex topics, ultimately enhancing public discourse and promoting a more informed citizenry, and confronts the “fake news” phenomenon.
Open Access in the Humanities
Workshop: Making Scientific Research Accessible to Public Audiences
Editor Panel: Crossover and Academic Trade Books
Workshop: Getting it done – finishing your book
Roundtable Lunch for Graduate Students with Timothy Morton
Timothy Morton: "This Is Hell, It's Not the End of the World"
Organized in conjunction with the exhibition Santiago Sierra: 52 Canvases Exposed to Mexico City’s Air, Timothy Morton, Rita Shea Guffey Chair in English at Rice University and director of the Cool America Foundation, will give a talk to celebrate the publication of their new book Hell: In Search of a Christian Ecology (Columbia University Press, 2024), which explores the relationship between religion and ecology in response to the climate crisis. Morton is the author of several books that bring together politics, art, and ecological studies to better understand how we coexist with one another and with non-humans.
Co-sponsored by the Program in Public Scholarship